Evaluation of the MAVRIC-SL sequence for Reduction of the Susceptibility Artifacts for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Metallic Stifle Implants in Dogs” 주저자
Computed Tomographic Heterogeneous Enhancement of Spleen in Healthy Cats: Comparing with Diffuse Infiltrative Splenic Lesions" Frontiers 2023 공동저자
Development of three-dimensional canine hepatic tumor model based on computed tomographic angiography for simulation of transarterial embolization" Frontiers 2023 공동저자
A new radiation-shielding device for restraining veterinary patients" Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2023 공동저자
Evaluation of Radiographic Techniques Used in Local Hospitals after Teleradiology Consultation” Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2022 주저자
Splenic Heterogeneous Enhancement Patterns on CT in Clinically Healthy Cats: Comparing with Diffuse Infiltrative Splenic Lesions” International veterinary radiology association 2023 발표
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Follow up of Suspected Central Nervous System Hematoma in 6 Dogs” Journal of Veterinary Clinics 2023 발표
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